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We know that you prefer to provide translation services in a marketplace that lets you select your projects and your rates. We also know that you don't like to deal with many clients.

We will provide you with a single marketplace and one secure source for payment – Tomedes.

When you register with Tomedes, you will be able to choose everything:

  • Money - You will decide how much you are ready to be paid for each job
  • Time - You will decide when to work
  • Jobs - You will decide which translation jobs you want to work on

How does it work?

It's easy,

  1. First, you must register with Tomedes – It's free.
  2. We'll send you an email when we have a job waiting for you.
  3. Log in to the site and view the job's details. Place a bid only if you can start working immediately on that project. You will be able to see how your bid compares to other providers who bid for the same job and change your bid accordingly.
  4. Download the document and start translating it once you get an email announcing you won the bid.
  5. Upload the finished project.
  6. Get payment for the project at the end of the next month.

How is the winning translator selected?

The winning provider is chosen based on several criteria, including the price of his bid and his quality score (determined by the quality of completed projects).

Tomedes does not disclose all selection criteria and we reserve the right to change the weight of the criteria.

During the bidding process, you will be able to see your rank compared to the rank of other providers who are bidding on the same project.

I have bid on several jobs and I still have not been offered one. What can I do?

Tomedes.com takes into account every bidder's quality score and the bid price each provider submits for a particular job. The provider with the best combination of quality and price will win the job.

If you are new to Tomedes.com, the best way to get experience is to bid on a few small jobs at a relatively low rate. Once you successfully complete some projects and earn high quality marks, your rank compared to other providers will raise.d we reserve the right to change the weight of the criteria.

When will I get paid?

Tomedes pays our translation providers at the end of every month for translation work done during the previous month. For example, if you complete four projects and your buyers approve of the work during the month of June, we will send you payment through at the end of July.

How do I get paid?

We currently send out payments via PayPal and Moneybookers. We plan to offer more options in the future.