Private Tutor
9 to 17 pounds/hour on ave...
Do you love sharing your knowledge and helping others learn? Join FindTutors as a Private Tutor and turn your passion into a rewarding job!
How does it work?
- Post your ad for free now: Post your ad for free and complete your private tutor profile. It'll only take you a couple of minutes.
- Receive requests: Students can contact you through our instant messaging and book a lesson.
- Start teaching: Set up lessons with your students and start tutoring.
Why advertise?
- It's free: Create your profile on FindTutors - it's completely free
- Earn money: Earn money by teaching the subjects or languages you're proficient in.
- No commission: We don't charge any commission, you keep 100% of your earnings.
- You name the price: Choose the price of your lessons, say whether you commute and how much you charge for it.
- Show your phone number: Verify your profile so that students can contact you.
- Students in your city: Every day thousands of tutors find students in their city
What subjects can I teach?
Any subject, language or discipline in which you're an expert, proficient or can help your students, for example: English, French, German, maths, physics, computer science, programming, lessons for school students, lessons for university students, training for companies...
How do I advertise?
Registering with FindTutors is simple and only takes a few minutes. Post your first ad, complete your profile with your personal details, a presentation, photo and location.
What price should I set?
There are many factors to consider when pricing your lessons. Your experience, availability, whether you commute, etc. We recommend having a look at the average price report for private lessons.