What is RaterLabs? How is It Different (or Not) from Appen?
What is RaterLabs? How is...

What is RaterLabs? How is It Different (or Not) from Appen?
RaterLabs is a California-based company created in May 2017 by the CEO of Leapforce (later acquired by Appen). The company was created after several Leapforce's raters brought complaints to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a federal agency that protects employee rights in the US.
RaterLabs was designed to comply with US employment regulations. It is a legit and active company with registration in the state of California
Raterlabs and Appen are the same company in the sense that 100% of the shares of Leapforce, Inc. and RaterLabs, Inc (Leapforce boards) were acquired by Appen in November 2017. The work platform used by Appen and Raterlabs has the same interface settings, and for the purposes of the rater, there are no differences between them.
Despite the fact that some projects might appear on only one of the platforms, the evidence shows that both Appen and RaterLabs share the same database of independent agents.
Although in many internet forums RaterLabs is said to be the company through which Appen hires US evaluators, these agents currently sign their contracts directly with Appen Butler Hill Pty Ltd and receive their payments from Appen.
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History of RaterLabs
In May 2017, Leapforce's CEO Daren Jackson created a new company, RaterLabs. According to some Leapforce raters in the US, they were notified via email about this. Subsequently, RaterLabs began communicating by the same means with part of the Leapforce workforce to offer them part-time positions.
Although executives always worry about the confidentiality of the information, it was possible to know through different forums that the payment was reduced, from $ 13.50 / hour to $ 12.50 - 13.00 / hour. In that scenario, the acquisition of Leapforce by Appen occurs.
According to the acquisition agreement, Leapforce would continue to work under the leadership of Daren Jackson and as a subordinate division to Appen CEO Mark Brayan. This strategy sought to use his presumed managerial skills and his expertise in search relevance systems.
The integration of processes and platforms would be carried out at a rate that minimizes the impact on customers. So the independent contractors of RaterLabs continued working without being affected by discontinuities due to the sale of the company.
Also at this time, Appen implements the workforce management platform Appen Connect from which the company offers longer-term or part-time projects. Appen Connect interface is identical to RaterLabs’s.
RaterLabs Projects
One of the main lines of projects developed through Appen/RaterLabs is Search Engine Evaluation (find search evaluator jobs). In these works, the independent agent must evaluate the search engine's ability to provide results that are relevant and of high quality.
Another major line of projects is Social Media Evaluation (find social media evaluator jobs). In this type of work, raters provide feedback on the quality and relevance of ads, content, and search results from social media sites.
These projects are paid for the hours worked, and RaterLabs/Appen does not guarantee a minimum number of hours. Although Appen expects the evaluator to work an average of 10 hours per week, this criterion only applies when tasks are available. The hours worked will be automatically generated from the work tool.
When receiving the most recent emails with the links for the tasks available in your geographical area, there is generally a note that these sets will be completed in a very short time. Therefore, if the agent takes a while to log in, the task may no longer be available.
Quality Control
RaterLabs/Appen systematically monitors the evaluator's quality and productivity. In the event that these fall below an acceptable level, the agent is withdrawn from the project.
To process payments, RaterLabs/Appen requires the contractor to have created a Payoneer account. In these projects, the invoice is self-generated based on the hours worked.
Generally, the full count appears on Appen Connect at the end of the month, and the contractor reviews and submits the invoice for approval by the finance team on the 1st of the following month. The processing period takes approximately 12 days, after which payment is received through Payoneer.
If you are applying for a home-based position with RaterLabs/Appen, make sure to register with Payoneer through our link. In doing so, you will get a $50 bonus after receiving $1,000 in payments.