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AI Tools for Website Design

By Framer



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$10 - $40 / month


Framer's AI tools offer advanced web design capabilities, including new page generation, text rewriting for content improvement, and text localization. These features streamline the design process using the latest AI technology.

Core Features

  • Design & Layout: Enables flexible layout creation on a free-form canvas for rapid design iteration.

  • Effects: Simplifies the creation of animations and visual effects with user-friendly tools.

  • Navigation: Facilitates easy creation of navigational elements for seamless movement across pages or site sections.

  • CMS: Provides content management solutions for blogs, job listings, and marketing content.

  • Localization: Supports website adaptation to multiple languages and regions for global reach.

  • Site Management: Offers tools for managing website settings, including passwords and custom domains.

  • SEO & Performance: Includes features to enhance site visibility and load times, important for search engine ranking and user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does one hand over a website to a client using Framer?

Clients can be provided with a remix link of the project by the website creator. Upon opening this link, the site will duplicate into the client's account, where they can then add a site plan, a custom domain, and proceed to publish the site. The process is designed to be straightforward.

How are images optimized in Framer?

When images are uploaded into Framer, they are automatically optimized by the platform. This optimization process eliminates the need for manual conversion to WebP or resizing to fit the content, ensuring images are efficiently processed for web use.

Is it possible to export a website to HTML for self-hosting from Framer?

Framer does not provide the functionality to export websites to HTML. Despite this, Framer facilitates the design, management, and publishing processes directly from its platform. It is built to support the creation of sites that are fast, optimized for a global audience, and perform excellently in terms of search engine discoverability. Features such as Analytics, Metadata, Semantics, Accessibility, Sitemaps, Server-Side Rendering (SSR), and high Lighthouse scores are part of the comprehensive benefits offered when publishing through Framer.

How does one ask for help on the Framer Community?

Members in need of assistance are advised to utilize the Support Channel within the Framer Community. It is recommended to search the FAQ Channel or Support channel before posting a new query. To post a query, one should:

  1. Clearly outline the issue in the post's title. The use of ChatGPT for better articulation is suggested.

  2. Include detailed descriptions of the issue, preferably with a loom video for contextual understanding, or screenshots if video is not an option.

  3. Providing a View only Framer link is beneficial as it allows the community to directly assess and assist with the query.

Fore more FAQs and details, visit Framer Community’s FAQ.