Why Wahojobs

Every day, hundreds of thousands of job seekers worldwide turn to the internet to seek opportunities to work from home. Many of these individuals might not have specific qualifications but carry significant potential.

At the same time, many online opportunities are created every month targeted precisely at these job seekers. These opportunities come from a variety of companies, including remote companies focusing on specific services like transcription or customer service, and traditional businesses seeking to hire contract workers.

Filling the Void

Until recently, these companies had limited options for reaching these prospective candidates, relying mostly on freelance marketplaces. Traditional remote job boards weren't viable solutions since they typically feature roles requiring specific specializations like design, programming, or engineering.

Likewise, candidates lacking specialized skills found no dedicated job board for online opportunities that meet their needs and reflect their preferences.

Wahojobs was brought about to bridge that gap.

What We Offer

If you're an employer, here's what's in it for you:

  • Reach a highly segmented audience of 15,000+ monthly blog readers
  • Our audience is actively seeking the types of online opportunities your company offers
  • Exposure to a diverse demographic with visitors from 190+ different countries, most of them from the US
  • Our blog stands as a respected source of information on online jobs that require little or no experience

If you’re interested in advertising an online job with us, contact us now.